Social dialogue texts database



European social dialogue refers to discussions, consultations, negotiations and joint actions involving organisations representing the two sides of industry (employers and workers). It takes two main forms: - a tripartite dialogue involving the public authorities; - a bipartite dialogue between the European employers and trade union organisations. This takes place at cross-industry level and within sectoral social dialogue committees. The Social dialogue texts database is created by the European Commission for information purposes only. The online search tool offers access to documents of different types such as Agreement Council decisions, declarations, follow-up reports, guidelines, joint opinions, procedural texts and tools. These documents can be found by selection on date, sector, theme, type, addressee and by the insertion of keywords. The main topics discussed are: - ageing workforce; - corporate social responsibility; - disability; - economic and/or sectoral policies; - employment; - enlargement; - gender equality; - harassment; - health and safety; - mobility; - public procurement; - racism; - restructuring; - social aspects of Community policies; - social dialogue; - sustainable development; - telework; - training, lifelong learning; - undeclared work; - working conditions; - working time; - young people; - digitalisation; - migration.

Data Providers

European Commission

Data Collection

Periodicity of collection


Type of information available

  • Text Documents Available
  • Indicators available
  • Guidelines for use available
  • Search or browse function available online


Freely accessible without registration

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