Social Benefit Recipients Database , OECD SOCR

Indicators and statistics, Datasets

Working conditions Tabular data | Quantitative data National level 2007 | 2008 | 2009+ 9 Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria+ 31
The Social Benefit and Recipients Database by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is the first database that presents comparable information on the number of cash benefit receivers in most OECD and EU countries. The database includes data from the ma...

European Health for All database (HFA-DB)

Indicators and statistics

Social policy | Poverty | Living conditions Longitudinal/panel data | Tabular data | Quantitative data National level since 1970 | 1980 | 1981+ 37 Austria | Belgium | Croatia+ 31
Since the mid-1980s, Member States of the WHO European Region have been reporting essential health-related statistics to the Health for All (HFA) family of databases, making it one of WHO’s oldest sources of data. As it is based on reported data, rather than estimates, the HFA fa...

ISSA Reforms Database


Working conditions | Vulnerability Policy data | Qualitative data National level 1995 | 1996 | 1997+ 23 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 38
The Reforms Database is a database developed by the International Social Security Association (ISSA). Its website provides access to information, expert advice, business standards, practical guidelines and platforms for members to build and promote dynamic social security systems...

ILO NATLEX Work and Employment


Working conditions | Vulnerability | Labour policy Textual data | Policy data National level since 1960 | 1980 | 1981+ 40 EU28 | Austria | Belgium+ 40
ILO NATLEX is the database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation maintained by the ILO's International Labour Standards Department. NATLEX provides abstracts of legislation and relevant citation information on topics like work and employment, mi...

OECD Mental Health and Work

Datasets, Indicators and statistics

Working conditions | Vulnerability | Poverty Policy data | Tabular data | Quantitative data National level since 1990 | 1990 | 1991+ 27 Austria | Belgium | Denmark+ 6
The OECD topic "Mental Health and Work" is a part of broader topic 'health' and aims to increase the knowledge on the issue of mental ill-health and work. It evaluates policy options for selected OECD countries (OECD) identifying good and bad practices and reform necessities. The...

Social dialogue texts database


Working conditions | Vulnerability Textual data National level | Sectoral level since 1980 | 1980 | 1981+ 40 EU28 | Austria | Belgium+ 26
European social dialogue refers to discussions, consultations, negotiations and joint actions involving organisations representing the two sides of industry (employers and workers). It takes two main forms: - a tripartite dialogue involving the public authorities; - a bipartite d...

Working Conditions Laws Database


Working conditions | Vulnerability Textual data National level 2007 | 2008 | 2009+ 3 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 38
The ILO Working Conditions Laws Database provides a picture of the regulatory environment of working time, minimum wages and maternity protection in more than 100 countries around the world. It contains comprehensive legal information, which allows you to conduct customised resea...

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