Cookie Policy

During a visit to the website, cookies are placed on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that we store on your computer or mobile device when you visit the website.

Cookies are usually used to make websites function optimally, to keep track of the actions of visitors to the website, to save login data, etc. There are different types of cookies that can be distinguished according to their origin, function and lifespan.

You can read more about cookies at

Which cookies do we use and why?

We initially use “First party cookies”. These are technical cookies that are used by the website and that aim to make the site function optimally. For example: settings that the user has made during previous visits to the site, or else: a pre-filled form with data that the user has made during previous visits.

We also use a number of “Third party cookies”. These are technical cookies that are used by third parties that aim to inform us about your browsing behavior and about your technical data.

What types of cookies are there and what are they for?

We can divide the cookies we use into four categories:

1. Essential cookies
Essential cookies are cookies that are necessary for a website to function. They allow basic functions such as page navigation, security, and loading time to work.

2. Functional cookies
Functional cookies are cookies that keep information about your choices and preferences on a website. For example, they remember your language choice, login details or the region in which you live.

3. Analytical cookies
Analytical cookies collect information about website visitor behavior and website performance. Based on the results, the website can be improved and visitors get a better user experience.

4. Marketing cookies
Marketing cookies follow the surfing behavior of website visitors and compile a user profile based on this. This profile is used to make the surfing experience more personal and, for example, to show personalized offers, advertisements, newsletters and such that match your interests.

Which cookies are placed through our site?

PHPSESSID (session cookie)

  • Type: first party
  • Type: essential cookie
  • Lifespan: session
  • Purpose: this cookie allows communication between web server and browser and temporarily stores information from your session. For example, it ensures that you do not have to fill out a form all over again when you reload the page or make a mistake.

__utmb (Google Tag Manager)

  • Type: third party
  • Type: analytical cookie
  • Lifetime: 30 minutes
  • Privacy:
  • Purpose: determines new sessions and visits

__utmc (Google Tag Manager)

  • Type: third party
  • Type: analytical cookie
  • Lifespan: session
  • Privacy:
  • Purpose: works together with the __utmb cookie to identify new sessions from returning visitors

__utmt_XX (Google Tag Manager)

  • Type: third party
  • Type: analytical cookie
  • Lifetime: 10 minutes
  • Privacy:
  • Purpose: Slows down the request rate, thereby limiting data collection on high-traffic sites.

__utmz (Google Tag Manager)

  • Type: third party
  • Type: analytical cookie
  • Lifespan: 6 months
  • Privacy:
  • Purpose: Identifies the source that led you to our website

__utma (Google Tag Manager)

  • Type: third party
  • Type: analytical cookie
  • Lifespan: 2 years
  • Privacy:
  • Purpose: distinguish unique users and sessions from each other

datr, act, sb, presence, fr, wd, xs, c_user, dpr (

  • Type: third party
  • Type: marketing cookies
  • Lifetime: session and are stored for a maximum of 2 years
  • Privacy:
  • Purpose: Creates a user profile to show relevant ads on Facebook.


  • Type: third party
  • Type: analytical and functional cookies
  • Lifespan: varies from end of session to 2 years after session
  • Privacy:
  • Purpose: Stores preferences and information of the user when they visit pages that integrate Google Maps or YouTube


  • Type: third party
  • Type: marketing cookies
  • Lifespan: maximum 1 year
  • Privacy:
  • Purpose: Show customized ads on Google websites based on recent searches and past interactions.


  • Type: third party
  • Type: analytical and marketing cookies
  • Lifetime: is stored for a maximum of 2 years
  • Privacy:
  • Purpose: collects data for Google Analytics, in order to compile an anonymous user profile and to measure whether advertisements are effective.

_ga (

  • Type: third party
  • Type: analytical cookie
  • Lifespan: 2 years after session
  • Privacy:
  • Purpose: measure anonymously how users use the website

_smToken _smVID NID (Sumo cookies)

  • Type: third party
  • Type: marketing cookie
  • Privacy:
  • Purpose: These cookies measure anonymously how the users use the website, shows pop-ups by means of. previous actions on the website.

How can you disable cookies?

You can disable, delete or adjust the settings for cookies, although our website will not be able to work optimally in that case. Do you still want to adjust the settings for cookies? Then you can use the help function of your browser to change this.

  • Internet Explorer:
  • Chrome:
  • Firefox:
  • Safari:

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