WSI: Minimum Wage Database

Indicators and statistics

Working conditions | Poverty Tabular data National level 1981 | 1982 | 1983+ 38 Belgium | Bulgaria | Croatia+ 25
The WSI Minimum Wage Database is constructed by WSI, an institute from the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, and focusses on minimum wages across Europe and in some non-European countries. The database provides an interactive map on which the user can select a country and view its history o...

Labour Market Policies, LMP database

Indicators and statistics

Labour policy | Poverty Tabular data | Policy data National level 1997 | 1998 | 1999+ 17 Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria+ 25
LMP statistics are one of the data sources for monitoring the Employment Guidelines (part II of the Europe 2020 Integrated Guidelines). The guidelines specifically refer to the provision of active labour market policies, which cover LMP measures and LMP services, and adequate soc...

OECD Funded and Private Pensions

Indicators and statistics, Datasets

Working conditions Tabular data | Quantitative data National level 2001 | 2002 | 2003+ 17 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 35
The OECD Funded and Private Pensions database is part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and includes the Global Pension Statistics Project, which contains comparable statistics on the financing of retirement systems across all 35 OECD and 41 non...

OECD Ageing and Employment Policies Project

Indicators and statistics

Working conditions | Poverty Policy data | Quantitative data National level since 1970 | 1980 | 1981+ 40 Austria | Belgium | The Czech Republic+ 30
The OECD Ageing and Employment Policies Project is part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and forms a collection of data on work and employment regarding older people, as well as of policy reviews in order to encourage greater labour market part...

Mutual Information System on Social Protection, MISSOC

Datasets, Indicators and statistics

Working conditions | Vulnerability | Poverty Textual data | Policy data National level 2004 | 2005 | 2006+ 15 Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria+ 27
The EU's Mutual Information System on Social Protection (MISSOC) provides detailed, comparable and regularly updated information about national social protection systems in English, French and German. MISSOC publishes twice a year (January and July) updated information on the so...

EUSI Labour Market and Working Conditions

Indicators and statistics

Working conditions | Vulnerability Tabular data National level | Individual level since 1980 | 1980 | 1981+ 32 EU27 | Other | Austria+ 32
The EUSI Labour Market and Working Conditions indicators database is part of the wider European System of Social Indicators. It is an instrument to be used to continuously monitor and analyse the individual and societal well-being of European citizens in terms of quality of life,...



Working conditions | Labour policy Textual data National level 1980 | 1981 | 1982+ 39 EU28 | Austria | Belgium+ 26
The EUR-Lex database is an online search tool created by the Publications Office of the European Union. The tool provides free access in the 24 official EU languages to all European Union legislation. The database covers many types of texts produced mostly by the institutions of...

European Health for All database (HFA-DB)

Indicators and statistics

Social policy | Poverty | Living conditions Longitudinal/panel data | Tabular data | Quantitative data National level since 1970 | 1980 | 1981+ 37 Austria | Belgium | Croatia+ 31
Since the mid-1980s, Member States of the WHO European Region have been reporting essential health-related statistics to the Health for All (HFA) family of databases, making it one of WHO’s oldest sources of data. As it is based on reported data, rather than estimates, the HFA fa...

Social Benefit Recipients Database , OECD SOCR

Indicators and statistics, Datasets

Working conditions Tabular data | Quantitative data National level 2007 | 2008 | 2009+ 9 Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria+ 31
The Social Benefit and Recipients Database by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is the first database that presents comparable information on the number of cash benefit receivers in most OECD and EU countries. The database includes data from the ma...

OECD Benefits and Wages

Indicators and statistics, Datasets

Working conditions | Vulnerability | Poverty Tabular data | Quantitative data National level 2001 | 2002 | 2003+ 17 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 32
The Benefit and Wages portal is a platform containing resources to facilitate evidence-based analysis of tax-benefit systems. It includes detailed descriptions of taxes and benefit rules in OECD and EU countries as they apply to working age families. It also includes outputs from...

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