Standardized World Income Inequality Database , SWIID

Indicators and statistics, Datasets

Working conditions Quantitative data National level since 1960 | 1980 | 1981+ 37 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 27
Cross-national research on the causes and consequences of income inequality has been hindered by the limitations of existing inequality datasets: greater coverage across countries and over time is available from these sources only at the cost of significantly reduced comparabilit...

Eurofound European Quality of Life Survey Dataset , EQLS

Indicators and statistics, Datasets

Working conditions | Vulnerability | Poverty Survey data | Quantitative data National level 2003 | 2007 | 2008+ 3 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 32
Eurofound Income indicators is a section of the Eurofound interactive database on quality of life in Europe. Its website offers quantitative and quantified indicators drawn from surveys of the European Foundation and other published sources. The data cover 34 countries.

Dataset for Flexicurity Analysis

Indicators and statistics

Working conditions | Vulnerability | Poverty Policy data | Quantitative data National level since 1990 | 1990 | 1991+ 20 EU27 | Other | Austria+ 29
The Dataset for Flexicurity Analysis is compiled by members of RECWOWE Strand 1 'Tensions Between Flexibility and Security'. The main objective is to study the tensions between labour market flexibility and socio-economic security by using existing and relevant data sources. The...

OECD Earnings and Wages database

Indicators and statistics

Working conditions | Vulnerability | Poverty Tabular data | Quantitative data National level since 1970 | 1980 | 1981+ 39 Austria | Belgium | The Czech Republic+ 26
The OECD Earnings and Wages database is part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and offers comparable statistics on average wages, employee compensation by activity, the gender wage gap and wage levels. Data is for the most part available since 1...

Eurostat Work and Employment

Indicators and statistics

Working conditions | Vulnerability Policy data National level since 1980 | 1980 | 1981+ 39 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 34
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Commission. This website provides statistical information on many aspects of European societies free of charge. The Eurostat data are organized into nine statistical themes. Additionally these themes are subdivided into collectio...

Multilinks Database


Working conditions | Vulnerability | Labour policy+ 1 Policy data | Textual data | Tabular data National level 2004 | 2009 EU27 | Other | Austria+ 28
The Multilinks Database on Intergenerational Policy Indicators is a database from The Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. The database provides over 70 indicators on social policy rights, legal obligations to support, and care service usage. It offers a structured overview of access to...

Gender Statistics Database

Indicators and statistics

Poverty | Labour policy Tabular data | Quantitative data National level 2003 | 2004 | 2005+ 15 Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria+ 27
The Gender Statistics Database provides a broad overview of statistics on gender as well as information on the various aspects of (in)equality between women and men. These include indicators referred to the EU Strategy for Equality between Women and Men (2010-2015) and the Beijin...

Child Benefit Dataset , CBD


Working conditions | Vulnerability Policy data National level since 1960 | 1980 | 1985+ 6 Austria | Belgium | Denmark+ 27
The Child Benefit Dataset (CBD) is an ongoing research project at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (Stockholm University). The aim of the data-set is to improve possibilities to conduct large-scale institutionally informed comparative and longitudinal analyses of social...

LEGOSH: Global Database on Occupational Safety and Health Legislation


Working conditions | Vulnerability Textual data National level 2013 | 2014 | 2015+ 3 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 33
The ILO Global Database on Occupational Safety and Health Legislation (LEGOSH) provides a picture of the regulatory framework of the main elements of OSH legislation, including OSH management and administration, employers’ duties and obligations, workers’ rights and duties, OSH i...

Social Security Programs Throughout the World

Indicators and statistics

Social policy | Poverty Textual data National level 2002 | 2003 | 2004+ 15 Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria+ 32
The Social Security Programs Throughout the World highlights the principal features of social security programs in more than 170 countries with summaries on relevant topics: types of social security programs, types of mandatory systems for retirement income, demographic and other...

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