Standardized World Income Inequality Database , SWIID
Indicators and statistics, Datasets
Working conditions Quantitative data National level since 1960 | 1980 | 1981+ 37 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 27
Cross-national research on the causes and consequences of income inequality has been hindered by the limitations of existing inequality datasets: greater coverage across countries and over time is available from these sources only at the cost of significantly reduced comparabilit...
Estimated Household Income Inequality Dataset , EHII
Indicators and statistics, Datasets
Working conditions | Poverty Policy data | Quantitative data | Tabular data National level 1980 | 1981 | 1982+ 34 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 38Leiden LIS Sectoral Income Inequality Dataset
Indicators and statistics, Datasets
Working conditions | Vulnerability Tabular data | Quantitative data National level 1980 | 1981 | 1982+ 24 Austria | Belgium | The Czech Republic+ 9
The Leiden LIS Sectoral Income Inequality Dataset provides information on multiple indicators of earnings inequality and employment within 9 economic sectors and 12 subsectors for 12 developed countries for the period 1969-2005. The dataset is drawn upon microdata from the Luxemb...
World Income Inequality Database , WIID
Indicators and statistics
Vulnerability | Poverty | Working conditions Tabular data | Quantitative data National level 1980 | 1981 | 1982+ 35 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 41
The World Income Inequality database is part of the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) and contains information on income inequality for 189 developed, developing and transition countries.
WDI: Poverty and Inequality
Indicators and statistics
Working conditions | Vulnerability | Poverty Tabular data | Quantitative data | Time series National level since 1970 | 1980 | 1981+ 38 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 31
National governments and their development partners are all working to reduce poverty. Although it is often thought of as a lack of material resources, poverty is correlated closely with all aspects of a person’s life: the world’s poor are more likely to be malnourished, they hav...
Incomes across the Distribution
Indicators and statistics
Poverty Longitudinal/panel data | Time series National level since 1970 | 1980 | 1981+ 32 Austria | Belgium | The Czech Republic+ 7
How widely are the benefits of economic growth shared in advanced societies? Do the rich capture the gains of growth, with little or no improvement in the living standards of the middle? Is growth raising the incomes of the poor so that they keep pace with the middle, or is the g...
World Wealth and Income Database , WID
Indicators and statistics
Working conditions | Vulnerability | Poverty Tabular data | Quantitative data National level 1980 | 1981 | 1982+ 37 Austria | Belgium | Croatia+ 40
Coordinated by Facundo Alvaredo, Anthony B. Atkinson, Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman, the World Wealth and Income Database aims to provide open access to data series on income and wealth worldwide. The goal is to be able to produce Distributional National Accoun...
CSB Social inequality and wealth distribution in the welfare state
Indicators and statistics
Working conditions Policy data | Quantitative data National level 1992 | 1993 | 1994+ 27 Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria+ 24
The CSB Minimum Income Protection Indicators database contains data on minimum income protection provisions for workers, people at working age not in work, and the elderly. Information on net disposable incomes is available since 1992 for 15 EU member states. From 2001 on, CSB-MI...
Eurofound European Quality of Life Survey Dataset , EQLS
Indicators and statistics, Datasets
Working conditions | Vulnerability | Poverty Survey data | Quantitative data National level 2003 | 2007 | 2008+ 3 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 32
Eurofound Income indicators is a section of the Eurofound interactive database on quality of life in Europe. Its website offers quantitative and quantified indicators drawn from surveys of the European Foundation and other published sources. The data cover 34 countries.
LIS Key Figures
Indicators and statistics
Working conditions | Poverty | Vulnerability Tabular data | Quantitative data National level 1980 | 1981 | 1982+ 37 Austria | Belgium | The Czech Republic+ 26
LIS is an independent non-profit institution that harmonises and provides two databases: the Luxembourg Income Study Database (LIS) and the Luxembourg Wealth Study Database (LWS). Its website offers prefabricated key figures on inequality and poverty and employment by gender base...